This is what I looked like when I found out I passed:
That's how excited I was! I studied so hard for 3 months, and I had to wipe old people butts and it was just not a fun time, so you can imagine how great it was to hear that I didn't waste my time and that I wasn't a loser! But seriously, this week was SO stressful. I hardly slept, and yesterday when I was studying I fell asleep on my floor, on my books. I wish I had a picture because I'm sure it was funny. It probably would have looked something like this:
I don't think I'll be this stressed again about a test until I have to take my boards for x-ray. My family is really looking forward to it...NOT. Apparently I'm a little terror when I'm stressed...who knew? :)
Clinicals were something else, let me tell you.
This is me and my BFF Hillari who I basically would have died without these past couple months. Love her <3
aren't we cute?! but seriously folks.
now i'm feeding her...she was hungry.
we're sterile!
She's my own personal dentist!!
As hard as I had to work in that class, it was literally SO MUCH FUN! Our teacher Diane was the best. We <3 her! We couldn't have done it without her!
So yeah, that's basically what happened this week! I studied, I passed, and now I job hunt!
Hard work really does pay off!
so proud of you! you should come over and be my CNA until i am fully healed. haha. i love youuu